Friday, 17 December 2010

Extreme Humans part.2

Resume From This

5) Lucky Diamond Rich

It goes without saying that this guy is officially the most tattooed person in the world – he swiped the record from our friend Tom Leppard in 2006. He has tattoos everywhere, some of the stranger places including his eyelids, inside his ears and even on his gums. It’s apparently a work in progress and has so far included the efforts of hundreds of tattoo artists and over 1,000 hrs of pain. Obviously, he can also swallow swords.

6)Pauly unstoppable

With a name like ‘unstoppable’ you’d be stupid to give up on the modifications after a couple of earrings. this guy has surely the largest nostrils in the western world (if you look closely I’m almost certain you can see his brain) plus a huge array of other ‘body mods’ to his name including scars cut into his cheeks and forehead, a split tongue, domes implanted under the skin of his forehead and many many more.


3 3/4 inch ears
11mm nostrils
38 by 18mm lip plate,bitches!
24mm  upper carts
7/16 septum
9/16 conches


silicone heart under left eye
silicone star right temple
3- 9mm by 16mm silicone domes center of forehead
2- 4g genital rib implants
6- 1" domes right forearm
6- 1" domes left forearm
magnetic implant left ring finger


3 inch partial subincision
Split Tongue!
split scrotum
penile frenum removal
tongue web removal
right and left nipple partial removal
5 1/2 inch long stretched scrotal sac


XVEGANX flesh removal done right side
Tibetan mantra brand on chest
Koi Fish brand left side panel
pirate P brand on left wrist
XXX cutting on chest right below neck line
3 lines cut both cheeks
6 lines cut into forehead
heart solar branding left forarm
penis cutting under side of knee
kiddy stars and lines left shin


day of the dead skull with wings outline sides of neck
self design chin and jaw moko
facial vines on eyebrow areas
XVX sideburns with vines and sakura flowers

666 on right ass cheek
solid black left forearm from elbow to second knuckles-10 hours so far
soild black right hand
jelly fish back of right lower leg

old school rose top of left hand

outline of brass knuckles with 2 straight razors-lower sternum
black penis
about 20 hours of solid black work lower left and right leg leg and foot so far
other random tattoos in need of finishing about 40 hours of work so far
more shit i don't care to list cuz i am fucking lazy
about 90 hours of tattooing so far



4 1/2 + inch ears
3/4 inner conches
1 1/4" flats

2 6g venoms
6g halfadravya
6g shaft halfadravya
10g ampallang
4 5/8 hafadas
3 1/2 guiches


5 silicone domes top of shaft 12mm by 6mm
1 1/4 star implants along colllar bones
8 3/4 inch silicone domes top other shin on both legs
large chest hearts and skulls
jewel eyes
6 2g silicone genital ribs
ribs in both arms to go with domes


full subincision
partial head split
scrotal splitting
penile ligament cutting
tongue split further and pointed
extended tummy tuck
left pinky tip removal
nipple removal
transscrotal big enough to put mike through


finish sleeves
more facial tattooing
colorful neck sleeve
solid black lower legs from knee down(white tattoing and branding done over it)
solid black arms from elbow to mid knuckles(white tattoing and branding done over it)
eventually almost full tattoo coverage from the neck down
much more scarification, including facial scar

7)Rick Genest

Would you let your daughter marry Rick Genest? i’m sure he’s probably a lovely chap but that’s without doubt the scariest human head i will ever see in my lifetime. there isn’t much information about Mr genest himself on the internet (would you approach him for an interview?) but we do know the tattoo was crafted by the chaps at ‘Derm Fx Tattoo‘ in montreal. Job well done guys.


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